Project Description

The objective of the 'ORGANIC INPUTS EVALUATION' project is to develop recommendations for harmonized and standardized procedures for the evaluation of plant protection products, as well as for fertilizers and soil conditioners authorized for use in organic agriculture according to Council Regulation 2092/91. The project proceeds in three phases:
• Inventories of current evaluation procedures in the participating countries (separately for plant protection products and fertilizers and soil conditioners).
• Elaboration of standardized evaluation procedures (separately for plant protection products and fertilizers and soil conditioners).
• Recommendations for evaluation procedures and identification of research needs.
Programme | Work programme Quality of Life, 5th framework programme of RTD, Key Action 5 |
Full Title | Harmonised and Standardised procedures for evaluation of plant protection products, fertilizers and soil conditioners for use in organic agriculture |
Funding | This project is carried out with financial support from the Commission of the European Communities under the work programme Quality of Life, contract no. QLK5-CT-2002-02565, within the 5th framework programme of RTD, <a href="" target="_blank">Key Action 5</a><br />Participation of the Swiss partner is funded by the <a href="" target="_blank">Swiss Federal Office for Education and Science</a> (Bundesamt für Bildung und Wissenschaft; BBW). |
Type of project | Concerted Action |
Project No | QLK5-CT-2002-02565 |
Duration | 2003 - 2005 |
Summary | The objective of this Concerted Action is to develop recommendations for harmonized and standardised procedures for evaluation of Plant Protection Products (PPP) and Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners (F&SC) authorised for use in organic agriculture according to EEC 2092/91, Annex II. The project consists of 6 workpackages (WPs) with 5 workshops. WP1 is for coordination and project management. Inventories on curent implementation of Annex II and evaluation procedures in the participating countries will be elaborated in WP2 (PPP) and WP3 (F&SC). Standardised procedures for evaluation of PPP and F&SC will be elaborated in WP4 & WP5. Recommendations on evaluation procedures for PPP and F&SC plus research needs and dissemination will be discussed in WP6. This Concerted Action provides a discussion forum questions related to the evaluation of PPP or F&SC for organic farming. Institution engaged in this area are kindly invited to participate in the discussions. |
Disclaimer | This website does not necessarily reflect the Commission's views and in no way anticipates its future policy in this area. The website is intended for information only. The authors cannot be held responsible for any damage incurred, or for any violation of law following the information given. |
Regulation of plant protection products (PPP) and fertilisers and soil conditioners (F&SC) has great implications on farming practices and on the crop-specific economy, and hereby on the income and the competitiveness of farmers. The use of PPP and F&SC in European organic agriculture is reglemennted by the Council regulation EEC 2092/91 Annex II. The strict regulation of PPP and F&SC in European organic agriculture is also of crucial importance for the trust of the consumers in the safety and quality of certified organic plant products.
However, there is no harmonised and standardised procedure for the evaluation of new products to be included on the lists of authorised products in Annex II, nor for the re-evaluation of products already on the lists. Neither is there any standardised procedure for setting of limits and other conditions for the use of PPP and F&SC in various crops. Therefore the interpretation of which PPP and F&SC are allowed in various crops, and under which conditions and in which amounts they are allowed varies considerably between the EU member states and associated countries, resulting in unequal competition conditions for the organic farmers in Europe. At the same time these differences may cause confusion concerning the quality of organic products, hereby reducing the credibility of certified organic products in the view of the European consumers. Furthermore, the lack of harmonised and standardised procedures for evaluation of PPP and F&SC may result in very time consuming and complex evaluation procedures for inclusion of new products and removal of existing products, this being an obstacle for the development of organic agriculture in the EU.
- To develop recommendations for a harmonized and standardised procedure for evaluation of plant protection products allowed for use in organic agriculture according to Council regulation EEC 2092/91, Annex II.B
- To develop recommendations for a harmonized and standardised procedure for evaluation of fertilisers and soil conditioners allowed for use in organic agriculture according to Council regulation EEC 2092/91, Annex II A.
See full description of workpackages
Legend: | ||||
--> Work in progress | ||||
W | --> Workshop | |||
R | --> Publication of Report |