The project ORGANIC INPUTS EVALUATION, funded by the European Commission, ran from 2003 to 2005. The contents of this website are not updated.
Final Proposals of the Organic Inputs Evaluation Project now Published
(2.2.2006) The final proposals of the project are now available (report from workshop 6). These proposals are also available on CD.
»Go to report from workshop 6
»Order CD
Project Summary Available
(30.3.2006) A two page summary of the results of the Organic Inputs Evaluation project can now be downloaded at this site.
Papers of the Organic Input Conference now available
(20.10.2005) The Power Point presentations of the Organic Inputs conference, held October 13, 2005, are now available and can be downloaded from this internet site.
»Conference papers
Public Conference of the Organic Inputs Project: Proposals for Discussion now online
(2.9.2005) A public conference of the Organic Inputs Project will be held on October 13, 2005 in Brussels. The proposals for discussion are now online. These include proposed criteria for evaluation of plant protection products, fertilizers and soil conditioners as well as a prosposed criteria matrix and two case studies.
»Conference Info
Proceedings of the Workshop on Fertilisers and Soil Conditioners Published
(13.4.2005) The proceedings of the Organic Inputs Workshop on "Current Evaluation Procedures for Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners Used in Organic Agriculture" have now been published. The workshop took place in April 2004. They can be downloaded from this internet site. Printed copies can be ordered from FiBL from May onwards.
New project report published
(14.2.2005) A new project report from the Organic Inputs project has been published. This volume contains documents which were prepared in the course of the workshop “Draft Criteria for Evaluation of Plant Protection Products, Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners Used in Organic Agriculture”, held in Rome, September 23-24, 2004.
»Download (.pdf)
First report published
(27.8.2004) The first report of the Organic Inputs Evaluation project has been published. The articles describe the evaluation procedures for plant protection products used in organic agriculture. They summarize the situation in various (mainly European) countries and the evaluation procedures and criteria of international institutions.
»Download (.pdf)
About the project
The 'ORGANIC INPUTS EVALUATION' project is an EU Concerted Action project carried out under the Quality of Life Work Programme, 5 th Framework Programme. The project lasts from January 2003 until December 2005.
The objective of this Concerted Action project is to develop recommendations for harmonized and standardized procedures for the evaluation of plant protection products, as well as for fertilizers and soil conditioners authorized for use in organic agriculture according to Council Regulation 2092/91. The project proceeds in three phases:
- Inventories of current evaluation procedures in the participating countries (separately for plant protection products and fertilizers and soil conditioners).
- Elaboration of standardized evaluation procedures.
- Recommendations for evaluation procedures and identification of research needs.
This project ist carried out with financial support form the Commission of the European Communities under the work programme Quality of Life, contact no. QLK5-CT-2002-02565. It is co-funded by the Swiss Federal Office for Education and Science (BBW 02.0113).